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Commando 1 game free download for pc

Available Platform: Windows. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is the first chapter of a famous tactical game series created by the Spanish studio. In Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, you take your squad of 6 badass commandos behind enemy lines. This is a classic real time tactics game where every move.
Commando 1 game free download for pc
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Software Reviews and Critisims By sily52 4. If this is just a “lite” I would pay for a full version I was looking for a good shooting game because I don’t have my Xbox anymore and I would always play Halo 3.
By whowhowhodoctorwho 4. You will soon be wondering if you can handle the intense pressure of being a Commando. Enjoy the fact that each Commando will come with a special set of skills. The Green Beret is excellent with a knife and camouflage. The sniper Demolitions experts can blow things up with skill and accuracy. The Marine is good on land and water. The spy can impersonate Germans. The driver can pilot enemy vehicles so you can have a get away vehicle.
The action is intense and the coordination is difficult, but the game delivers hours of adrenaline laced fun! Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is a real-time strategy war game which continues the series intense and addictive tactical combat. Take control of six different commandos, the Marine, Green Beret, Driver, Spy, Sniper, and Sapper, as you attempt to complete a variety of missions spanning across Europe and Northern Africa.
What makes the titles in this series so interesting is the deep strategy and how you must use the special skills of each commando in order to complete the dangerous and difficult missions. For instance, you may have to send in the Spy to distract a guard as your Green Beret sneaks up to silently kill him with your knife or have the Sniper pick off a German patrol so your Driver can sneak in to steal a tank.
The levels are linear in design yet open-ended enough that there are several strategies which you can employ to complete your mission which adds to the replayability of the game. From this point the tank can strafe the entire platoon south of the bridge with machine-gun fire. Kill all the soldiers, then snipe the guard at the other side of the bridge.
Carry his body back over the bridge if you stay at the sides you can cross while the train is moving and send the remaining guys over the bridge. Try to eliminate the patrols with the decoy, and use all your men firing together to kill as many on the enemy as possible. Now head for the supplies in the north-east corner of the map.
Return to the bridge, get the marine to climb down the ladder in the centre and deploy the dinghy. Now send the other men, including the driver, towards the compound. You really need to worry about stealth now. Infiltrate the inner base by killing the sentries and creeping past the patrols. Take out the guards that you can with the Green Beret, and snipe the rest before the alarm goes off.
Send the sapper out and plant the explosives next to the headquarters. Detonate the explosives, return the sapper and the others to the patrol boat, then swim the marine to the boat and head out to the west to finish the level. To clear the patrolling guards in the top area, use the spy to lure them behind the rocks in the top comer. You can do this by letting them see your footprints in the snow – be sure, however, that you are not seen.
The next section requires you to position your spy just north of the uniform. Get as close as you can without being seen, then move your Green Beret down the west side towards the phone. Once there you can use the nearby house to hide while you wait for the patrols to pass. Once they’ve gone, use the phone to create a diversion so that your spy can get the uniform. You then need to use the cable car, kill the guard on the upper platform and leave the spy there.
Now get the Green Beret through the minefields and up the cliff face, avoiding the patrols – you will need to time this just right or you will be seen.
Get your spy to distract the guard just above the barracks – this will enable your Green Beret to get up without being seen. From then on you can kill or distract the guards while the Beret sets the explosive barrels in place and detonates them. The only thing that stands between you and victory now is a short dash to the glider. The first section of this mission is fairly easy, as the Beret can climb the wall to the east of the ruin and kill all the guards without being seen. To destroy the tank just to the south you will need to set a bomb at the tanks’ westernmost patrol point.
Some guards in the main camp will hear the explosion and come over to investigate; the alarm, however, should not go off. If you hide behind the rock and the tents just above the explosion point as cover, you can kill the guards with your pistols as they approach.
This leaves the camp fairly unguarded – but still exercise caution. Try to save as many sniper bullets as possible, especially one for the guard standing on top of the barracks.
You don’t need to worry about killing the guards south of this building, because they won’t affect your mission. You should now be able to finish off any guards in the camp above and set the bomb on the train – use the Green Beret and the decoy here. If you place the decoy by a wall, approaching guards will face it and you can stab them easily – in the face and neck.
The dunderheads! You will need to kill the machine-gunner and the guards around the extraction point just above the train, and the guards in the eastern ruin – these are easily disposed of with the sniper.
Your first priority is to get the uniform from inside the eastern camp and the bombs just north from there. You can then blow up the two barracks in that area, cutting off any reinforcements. This will make it easier for the driver to get the tank and destroy the cannons protecting the U-boats.
Next, get the marine and the Green Beret to the rowboat south of their start position. You can use their pistols in the top area, but as you get closer to the western barracks you’ill need a more stealthy approach. You may find it helpful to destroy the barracks with the nearby barrels, and remember to kill the patrol by the lighthouse. With the boat, collect the rest of your men from the eastern camp and land the sapper on the southeastern dock. The sapper can use his last two bombs to destroy the U-boats.
This is a very tricky mission, because you don’t want to set off the alarm and you need to kill almost – if not every – guard on the map. The key to the top section is to use the Green Beret’s decoy to sneak up and knife the guards from behind. You will need to save your sniper bullets for the men on the rooftops in the lower sections, but you can use one to take out the guard on the large cannon.
A good trick for the lower section is to move your sniper down to the left-hand side, just above the armoured barracks and to the left of the two tents.
From here, let him be spotted by the guards but don’t move him. Guards from all over the camp will move to his position, line up and aim their guns at him, although they will not fire. This leaves your Green Beret free to sneak up behind them and quietly kill them with the knife. This is a little daring though, so alternatively take out the guards one by one.
You can use the houses to hide in. You will need to kill any guards on and near the bridge to clear your escape route, and once you’ve blown the fuel tanks be ready to run for your lives to reach the escape jeep.
This mission isn’t very hard, providing that you don’t set off the alarm. The first thing to do is use the spy to kill as many guards as possible without being seen -remembering to hide the bodies, of course.
You can use your spy to eliminate as many single guards as you can. You can also use the spy to distract the three-man patrol in the southern end of the camp while your sapper places the first bomb halfway between the radar station and the radar dish, and the second bomb next to the north-west bunker.
As soon as you can, use the driver to block off the three tanks in the northern part of the camp with the fuel truck – it is best placed between the left and the middle tank. Get the Green Beret to put the barrels next to the two centre buildings, and then move all your men into the eastern courtyard.
From here use the sniper to shoot the barrels, which will destroy the two center buildings. This will set off the alarm, so quickly detonate the sapper’s bombs and wait for the escape truck. As you can see, the tanks will have crashed into the fuel truck and blown up. You can make a noise in the first area of this mission, so clear it quickly. Carefully dispose of the guard on the western entrance, and use the Green Beret to climb the top-left corner of the wall to gain quiet access to the camp.
Once inside the base climb the wall and hide behind the crates you will need to work down to the southernmost tank. The Green Beret is the best choice for this, but you can use the sniper to kill a few of the guards. As soon as you have cleared the inside of the compound, release the hostage, get all your men well out of the way, and use the driver to wreak havoc with the tank.
Be sure to kill all the guards with the tank, especially the gunners along the central path. The rest of the mission shouldn’t pose too much of a problem. Unless you’re totally crap, that is. The Green Beret’s decoy skill and the spy’s distracting skill are very helpful at the tricky start of this mission. Once you have cleared the first area, use the spy to kill the two guards on the eastern mound; this enables your Green Beret to climb up there without being seen.
From this point, work your way northwards to secure the escape truck. You then need to use a combination of spy, Green Beret and sniper to clear a path so that the driver can reach the truck. It’s then just a matter of gunning down any guards and reinforcements that are left so the sapper can set the bombs. If you’ve run out of bombs, you can use the oil truck to shoot the fuel tanker just as it passes between the two north-eastern oil rigs – this will destroy them both. Once you’re done, escape to the west.
This mission requires the spy to kill the guards around the Green Beret’s and sniper’s hideouts so that they can escape. Once they’re free, it’s just a case of carefully killing all the guards and freeing the hostage.
There is no real strategy, except to be quiet and reach the escape truck. Use the Green Beret to climb up the dock wall and kill the four guards, then swim your marine up to the main entrance and wait for the supply boat to open the gate. Once you’re through, kill the guard by the cannon and open the gate.
Get all your men into the boat and move them to the main entrance, then use the marine’s scuba gear. The marine gets out of the boat but everyone else stays in. Use the marine to kill the two guards on the small pier just north of the entrance, and at the same time use the sniper he can shoot from the boat to kill the guard on the south-western point of the main dock.
The rest of the guards are quite tricky, but you can use any remaining sniper bullets and the beartrap to kill them. As soon as you can, get your marine into the sub and blow up the large boat with the sub’s torpedo. The alarm then goes off, so use your sapper to blow up the fuel tanks quickly. You can use the large cannon on the southern dock to destroy any patrol boats. This should secure your escape. Once again, there is no real easy strategy to this mission – just be as quiet as you can.
The decoy combined with the beartrap makes an effective weapon, and the marine is also useful for sneaking out of the water and killing the guards on the beach. The Green Beret can climb on to the central mound and sneak up behind some of the guards, and the sniper can shoot from the boat, although you need to save some bullets for the guards on top of the cannons.
The mission becomes easier as soon as you have control of the tank. All you need to do then is use the barrels and your bombs to destroy the guns.
Avoiding the five-man patrol, you need to work your way up to the tall building in the north-west where the spy’s uniform is. Once you have the uniform, get your sniper onto the flat area on the roof. From here you can kill the General in the garden below. The alarm then goes off and you need to get into a few gunfights to reach the enemy HQ on the east side.
As soon as you have reached the HQ, move a car in front of the HQ and shoot the engine from a distance. You may find it helpful to kill the patrol that is guarding your escape truck before you blow up the HQ. The key to completing the first part of this mission is to study the timing of the five-man patrol – you have to be patient, as their patrol is quite long. Try not to set off the alarm at the start of this mission, and save one sniper bullet for the end of the mission. Work your way down to the spy’s uniform on the other side of the railway.
Once you have it, use your spy to kill as many guards as possible without setting off the alarm. As soon as you can, move your sniper down the east side of the river bank until you have a clear shot at the detonator on the east side of the bridge. Next, move your spy behind the enemy sapper on the west side of the bridge, and swim your diver next to the small island in the middle of the river under the bridge.
Commando 1 game free download for pc
Available Platform: Windows. Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is the first chapter of a famous tactical game series created by the Spanish studio. In Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, you take your squad of 6 badass commandos behind enemy lines. This is a classic real time tactics game where every move.