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Dell clean install windows 10 reddit free

Since Microsoft wants users to connect their computers with a Microsoft account, the insatll is making changes to the initial Windows 11 setup to make it onstall impossible to continue configuring a new device or clean installation without an internet connection. You could easily skip this requirement in older releases and continue offline with a local account, but this will no longer be possible on Windows 11 22H2 and later.
However, for those instwll may not have an internet connection at the time of the installation or want a more traditional offline experience, there is a workaround redddit bypass the requirement and finish configuring the out-of-box experience without an internet connection, whether you are setting up Windows 11 Pro or Windows 11 Супер capture one pro 9 vs 11 free download нами. In this guideyou will learn the workaround to continue setting up Windows 11 22H2 without an internet connection.
These instructions will walk you through the steps to perform a clean installation, but the workaround will de,l work when setting Windows 11 on any method that may require completing the out-of-box experience. If Windows 11 was нажмите чтобы увидеть больше activated after the installation, reactivation would happen automatically.
Redeit each partition in the hard drive you want to install Windows 11 21H2 and click the Delete button. Select your region setting after the installation on the first page of the out-of-the-box experience OOBE. The computer will restart automatically, and the out-of-box experience OOBE will start again.
Click the Accept button if applicable. Click the Next button. Once you complete the steps, Windows 11 version 22H2 or dell clean install windows 10 reddit free will rexdit the installation on the computer. We hate spam as much as you!
Unsubscribe dell clean install windows 10 reddit free time Powered by follow. Tweet Share Submit. Important: This process will delete everything on your device. Warning: Deleting a partition also deletes all data on dell clean install windows 10 reddit free drive. Also, it is not required to delete the partitions from a secondary hard drive. Quick note: You will need to select the region and keyboard settings one more time to get to the network connection page. Seel all comments. Get the latest tutorials delivered to your inbox.
Dell clean install windows 10 reddit free.How to: Perform a Clean Install or Reinstall of Windows 10
No Samsung tablet or phone doesn’t require a Samsung account only Google for apps unless you side load everything. There адрес a problem.
Dell clean install windows 10 reddit free
Whether you have just finished installing Windows 10 on a computer or updated to Windows 10 for the first time, there are a few things that dell clean install windows 10 reddit free may want to do; this isn’t a list of essential software or tweaks but essentials that Windows admins and users should consider. Tech savvy users may well be aware of them. These aren’t mandatory, but more of a precautionary measure and include backing up the system, installing updates, making sure proper drivers are installed so that all hardware is recognized and working to its fullest potential, and more.
This is literally the first thing you should do in my opinion. Some may prefer to create a backup of the system first, and that is a good strategy as well as it provides restoration options if updates misfire.
Note: The guide is for most systems. Some Windows 10 users prefer to keep in control over the updating and that is fine as well.
You may use third-party tools to install updates selectively only. Check for updates and install all available ones. You should disable the Delivery Optimization option download updates from other computers from the Advanced options under Windows Updates. I would advise activating Windows immediately as well there’s no point in waiting to do that. The operating dell clean install windows 10 reddit free may be activated already under certain circumstances.
Windows comes with a lot of drivers pre-loaded, so your computer should be working fine. But in case it isn’t, you can install drivers manually. Tip : If you have a dell clean install windows 10 reddit free card, you’re better off downloading the driver from the official website.
I have had my fair share of buggy Nvidia updates, which I had to resolve using Display Driver Uninstaller. A good way to check if all things are working would be to play a video. This should help you test whether your internet, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and graphics card are functioning, all at once. Plug in a USB drive to see if the ports are working too. Don’t forget to test other components like a Wi-Fi adapter and Bluetooth if you have those.
This is the most important step, after a clean install of Windows. Some may argue that this is even the first thing that you should do. But I prefer installing updates on the computer, and then imaging the drive. Save the backup image dell clean install windows 10 reddit free a different drive, like a portable or external HDD.
Apart from your drive imaging program, you should not install any third-party software on a clean install of Windows before you have backed up the OS.
Even the installation of antivirus can wait if you plan to switch from Windows Defender to another security solution. The backup is a fallback option should problems arise. Let’s say you install some software or driver and your PC crashes. BSODs, freezes, or something else. And if your hard drive crashes? Do you want to spend time re-installing the OS and all those updates again with multiple reboots along the way?
What if a malware infects your computer? You could disinfect the PC or even format the entire drive. Re-installing Windows is a chore that has ruined many a weekend for me. But you can save time if you have a backup of the OS, especially if it is of a clean Windows 10 installation.
You get to start from scratch, without spending hours fixing the issues. You may also create regular backups of the system, with software installed, to go back to that state and not the initial clean after-installation state of the operating system. The only real con is that the backup will age rather quickly.
Microsoft releases updates for Windows on a regular basis, surely you know what Patch Tuesday is. So, your backup will be missing these updates should you restore it, say after a few months. But since the updates are cumulative even a slightly older backup can still be a good option. Get into the habit of backing up your OS from time to time. And don’t forget to take a new backup before Microsoft releases a major OS update officially called feature updatethe most of recent of which is Windows 10 version May I take this as an opportunity to remind you that Windows 7 reaches end of support in January I dual boot, and Fast Startup can cause problems dual booting.
I disable this feature in Power Settings. Windows 10 installing unwanted Store apps? Under System, Advanced system settings, Select the Hardware tab.
Next Press the Device Installation Settings button. Some report this is the only way that works. Use vendor tools to ensure your computer BIOS and drivers are up to date. Dual booting with grub has never caused me any problems. I would even dell clean install windows 10 reddit free leaving fast startup if you do not intend to access the windows partition.
I get it when you already have it tuned to your liking or needs, with all the apps and drivers needed, but why fresh? I honestly cannot think of a reason why this dell clean install windows 10 reddit free so important. Install it again? Upgrade install — ok, even backup shall be performed beforehand.
Speaking of ruined weekends due to Windows re-installation, back in my days of tinkering with software and hardware, I knew several Windows product keys by heart.
This is how often I was re-installing Windows. Best to uninstall all bloatware and other not needed software first. So start to install 10 without internet connection, install BCUninstaller, install Windows Firewall Control, install Windows Update Manager, set your preferences in Group Policy Editor, and then reconnect and search for updates.
Ergo: a relevantly lean and clean Windows I agree that you need a clean backup for trouble shooting but windows backup is not portable enough I use Macrium Reflect, which can turn gb install into a gb file.
The best way I have fumbled to figure out is install, make a backup, then update or disable updates so you can do manual updates as needed and install your day to day software and make another backup. Outside of backup I like tiny wall and blackbird.
Install Firmware updates before anything else — not all manufacturers do windows updates for their firmware cough. Go directly to the manufacturer. The best thing to do after the installation of Windows 10 is to wipe the drive and upgrade to Windows 7 — 32 or 64 bit — depending on Your hardware! If you are connected to your WiFi or BroadBand then one thing you can see is that your High Speed Data will get exhausted within 1 hour or so, that was my experience after installing new Windows 10 in my laptop.
Disable Troubleshooter also use that search box to find it. Then Program Compatibility Assistant Service, for the sole reason of being anoying on top of being useless. Now proceed to install your drivers, DirectX 9. And finally bring Windows to the internet. I know I missed some things, whenever I do http://replace.me/20627.txt an install I always go back to the image and do some more changes then do another backup, quite a few times often.
There are too many damn things for me to remember them all, but in large part these are the most offensive ones which nobody should have them enabled. Also, note that Больше на странице are not good if you need the most speed from your rig. As for the topic involving backups, sure, VM images are a thing, but they still need to be moved off the drive, as with any other backup.
I just backup my http://replace.me/6671.txt. If Windows breaks or the drive dies, I just re-install Windows on a logic pro x sound library free drive if need be. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please click on the following link to open the newsletter signup page: Ghacks Newsletter Sign up. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann.
It has since then become one of the most popular tech dell clean install windows 10 reddit free sites on the Internet with five authors and regular contributions from freelance writers. Search for:. TutorialsWindows Basic things to do after a clean install of Windows 10 Install all Updates This is literally the first thing you should do in my opinion. Basic things to do after a clean install of Windows You may want to do these, before installing 3rd party software. Use the Windows Task Manager to find power leeching processes quickly.
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How to set up Windows 11 without a Microsoft account | Windows Central
You can only uninstall Windows 11 within 10 days of installation without losing your files. After that, you’ll need to do what is known as a “clean install” of Windows 10 or your previous operating system.
We’ll touch on both methods in this handy guide. Still undecided about whether to uninstall or keep Windows 11? Have a look at our guide to Windows 10 versus Windows The easiest way to uninstall Windows 11 is by rolling back to Windows With this method, you will not lose any of your files, but there is a catch.
You only have 10 days from when you initially updated to Windows 11 to go back to Windows I know a couple who have got new machines with Windows 11 on and they have installed Windows 10 on them. No need to downgrade. My android phone requires a Google account. My iphone requires an apple account. My Samsung tablet requires a Samsung account. No Samsung tablet or phone doesn’t require a Samsung account only Google for apps unless you side load everything. Try setting up chromeos without a goggle account.
You cannot even setup a google account without a phone number either these days. You are wrong on all of that, Android phone don’t need an account to work, my brother used an Android phone without an account for a few years, you can’t use the play store or google services, but if you really want to you can side load apps. Iphone will work without an account, and I doubt you need a Samsung account to use a samsung phone. My phone has something called Hey tap, no idea what it is, never even bothered to sign into it.
There is certainly nothing I want for a MS account, I have used windows since windows 95 and have had no desire to link my computer with MS servers all the time. Even when Windows 8 tried to force people into it, i avoided it. I really thought MS would have learnt something, but it seems like they really don’t care about customer s and think they can do what they want. Even Apople is not that bad.
MS is pushing me more towards apple all the time. My only question I cannot fathom concerning this article, and I hope someone can answer this, even the author, is this Why would anyone want to install Windows 11 in the first place..? It equivalent to Vista at this point, nearly a year after launch, not everything works, missing functions and more updates than Windows Why any one thinks it’s a step forward is beyond me. Windows 11 works perfectly for me. For work, gaming. All of my apps work.
It looks prettier. Settings are almost all out of cPanel now. Through the Academic Volume Licensing agreements, schools can purchase access to Windows 10 Education for their students, faculty, and staff.
Some make it available only on campus machines. Others will grant a license for use on a home machine. The catch: You have to sign up for at least one course to qualify for campus discounts. Typical options are usually of the physical education or dance variety swim, ballet, jazz, boot camp workouts, etc.
In those cases, your main options are the OEM license outlined above or buying through a reseller detailed below. Note: If you use this method, also keep an eye out for other software deals through your school.
But this approach comes with a salt mine of caution. Platforms like eBay and Kinguin allow buyers to purchase product keys from third-party sellers.
So they come with risk. And that has happened to some people. To solve the problem, the first thing to do is verify that the PC you want to install Windows 11 on meets the minimum requirements. The fastest way is to download Microsoft’s PC Health Check app opens in new tab from the Windows 11 website the link to “download PC Health Check app” is at the bottom of the page and run it. The PC Health Check app will then tell you whether your PC meets the minimum requirements to install Windows 11, and what needs to be fixed in order to meet them.
If your PC doesn’t meet the Windows 11 system requirements: Windows 11 won’t install unless your PC meets the minimum requirements, and some are more onerous than others. This is ostensibly so Windows 11 will be more secure. And if you have a PC built within the last years, there’s a chance that even if you don’t have TPM 2.
If you can enable it, that might let you install Windows 11 with no trouble. However, it’s quite possible to run Windows 11 on a PC that doesn’t meet all the minimum requirements. If you do a clean install of Windows 11 using an ISO file , you will often have the option to proceed with installing Windows 11 even though your system is non-compliant — you’ll simply get a warning that it may cause you to not receive important Windows 11 updates, and may cause damage to your PC very unlikely.
First, you could try to upgrade to Windows 11 without a TPM using this script trick , which basically fools the Windows 11 installer into letting you proceed.
You can also try to bypass Windows 11’s ridiculous system requirements with this hack directly from Microsoft. It can be a little dicey since you have to edit your Windows registry, but it comes directly from Microsoft and is listed on their public support page, so it should be pretty safe. When in doubt, back up your PC and important files before trying! Your PC meets the Windows 11 minimum system requirements: If your PC meets the Windows 11 minimum system requirements and passes the PC Health Check with flying colors, that still doesn’t mean Microsoft will let you upgrade to Windows Windows 11 is a free upgrade for Windows 10 owners, but the offers to upgrade are rolling out gradually through mid