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Microsoft office 2007 word assignments computers grade 9 free download

Before keying mocrosoft the text in the box. With PowerPoint, you can create engaging azsignments that can be presented in person, online, More information. Submit feedback. When you sort information in a worksheet, you can see data the way you want and find values quickly. A chart can also show the big picture so that you can analyze your data and look for important trends. Objective This tutorial is designed for users who are new More information.
Microsoft office 2007 word assignments computers grade 9 free download.Microsoft Office 2007 WORD Assignments. Computers Grade 9. Ver 1.4
computer. 3. Point to Microsoft Office. 4. Click Microsoft Office Word The Word program screen appears. Windows Vista. Sept Download the exercise files on the Ask I.T. website: 2 of [PDF] [PDF] Microsoft Office WORD Assignments Computers Grade 9. Sept Download the exercise files on the Ask I.T. website: 2 of [PDF] [PDF] Microsoft Office WORD Assignments Computers Grade 9.
Microsoft office 2007 word assignments computers grade 9 free download
By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Microsoft office word assignments computers grade 9. Dayo Tom. A short summary of this paper. You are to create your own personal letterhead.
Letterheads must extend no more than 2 inches from the top of the page. Display the ruler bar and adjust the vertical ruler to the top of the page. Open your letterhead 2. Immediately resave Save As WPexer2 yourname 3.
Type the letter below following these instructions a. Insert the date do not just type it in c. Put app o 4 la k li es afte Wa est ega ds to allow space for a signature g. Your first and last name are typed at the bottom h. Resave letter and submit to your teacher Your Letterhead goes here your name Corporation current date Ms. Patsy Richardson Main St. Ou o po atio is happ to provide the ticket to you at no cost. As you will note from the tickets, the Ball is being held November 25th at the Norseman Inn and will begin promptly at 9 p.
The famous band, Capp s Cape s, will provide an entertaining evening of dancing and comedy. Thank you for allowing our company to be of service to you. Your boss has asked you to prepare a flyer that advertises aerial tours over the city. Instructions: Perform the following tasks: 1. Type the flyer text, unformatted, as shown below. After you have typed the text apply the formatting as indicated in the steps below. Save the document using the file name, Airplane Rides yourname.
Change the style set to Formal. Change the theme fonts to the Metro font set. Apply the Heading 1 style to the headline. Apply the Heading 2 style to the signature line. Center the headline and the signature line. Change the font size of body copy between the headline and the signature line to 22 point. Change the font size of the signature line to 28 point. Bullet the three lines paragraphs of text above the signature line.
Bold the text, change your view. Italicize the word, aerial. Underline the word, and, in the first bulleted paragraph. Change the spacing before the headline to. Change the spacing after the first paragraph of body copy to 0 point. Change the spacing before the first bulleted paragraph to 12 point. Insert the picture centered above the bulleted list, the picture is called Airplane Ride over City and is available in the public folder.
Apply the Relaxed perspective, White picture style to the inserted picture. The entire flyer should fit on a single page. If it flows to two pages, resize the picture or decrease spacing before and after paragraphs, until the entire flyer text fits on a single page.
Change the document properties, add keywords and add your name as author. Change the other document properties, as specified by your instructor Be sure to resave the flyer again and submit to your instructor. The e dash is p efe ed he t pesetti g to the t p e ite — dash. These symbols are helpful if you need to discuss the various card symbols. All tabs can have dot leaders. Type the exercise below down through to and including the first paragraph. After you have typed the first paragraph, delete all tabs.
Type the columns of information on the stores 5. I would suggest that we continue to advertise as originally planned. Store 1 Clearwater A Add your name to the table Last, first, and initial , telephone number, City Province, and amount you decide the amount. Allen, Ginger Camrose, Alberta 5, Setup for 3 columns and 5 rows. Centre the headings in the first row 3. Enter the text shown 4. Adjust the column sizes as needed to look similar to below 5. Centre the table left to right on the page 6.
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