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Microsoft word 2013 ribbon keeps disappearing free download

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Choose an option for the ribbon: Show Tabs and Commands keeps all the tabs and commands on the ribbon visible all the time.. Show tabs shows only the ribbon tabs, so you see more of your document, and you can still quickly switch among the tabs.. Auto-Hide ribbon hides the ribbon for the best view of your document, and only shows the ribbon when you select More, or press the ALT key. A plethora of tutorials to get you up to speed with Microsoft Word Disappearing Ribbon The ribbon is the horizontal area that appears at the top of the workspace and that holds all . Check your version of Microsoft Word or Outlook (bit or bit) as described in this article – If you use the bit version of Office , make sure your version is or higher. If you have an older version, install Office updates. – If you use Office or Microsoft , check for updates and install the latest one.


Why does the ribbon keep disappearing? – Microsoft Community

Right-click any of the tabs or the Quick Access Toolbar and uncheck “Minimize the ribbon”. Edit: In Office , there’s an additional way. The. You are in Reading View. Click on View and then on Edit Document. Or, at the bottom right of the screen, click on the button for Print Layout.


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